Individual 2 year old seedlings
Mr Prickles 2020 Seedlings List.
Pick any plant from the list for $15 plus postage.
Tall white Schick x Soehrensia Formosa red
T. hoffer Red
Soft yellow x Schick pink
Tall white Schick x Schick Pink
Flame x Tall white Schick
Tall white Schick x Hot Pink
Echinopsis Sp x Schick Pink
Best Red x Trich Sp
Soft Yellow x Lamprochlorus
Thelongonus x Schick Pink
White Schick x Soft Yellow
Amaze balls x Tall white Schick
Pinky Flame x Bensons chiloensis
Goliath x Schick Pink
Moses x Sut #1
Oreocereus Celcianus
Scop Heynes x Sharxx
Sharxx x Sausage
Capel x Trojan Llama
Hulk x Sharxx
SASS x Sharxx
Scop Worm x Capel
Scop Worm x Sausage
Sausage x Capel
Scop Heynes x Zeds Scop
Sausage x Sharxx
Sharxx x Zeds Scop
Helon x Super Pedro
Super Pedro x Mike
Super Pedro x Fields Pach
Super Pedro x Capel
Super Pedro x Goliath
Super Pedros x Christie’s Peru
Hulk x Trojan Llama.
Scop Kirsty x Truman
Zeds Scop x Tjuno
Jac 001 x Tjuno
Scop Heynes x HB01
Zeds Scop x Sharxx
Zeds Scop x Scop Heynes
Zeds Scop x Scop Worm
HB01 x Dan
Strath Macro x HB01
Strath Macro x Tjuno
Strath Macro x Capel
Mike x Sausage
Brighton Cordobensis x Super Pedro
Dan x Fields Pach
Brighton Cordo x Christie’s Peru
Brighton Cord x Knuthianus
Capel x Psycho0
Capel x Hahn Pach
Capel x Tjuno
Goliath x Dawsons Knuthianus
Fields Pach x Yeti
Fields Pach x Capel
Fields Pach x (SSO2 x Juul’s Giant)
Fields Pach x Sharxx
Fields Pach Op
Hahn Oach x MSS
Hahn Oach x Helon
Fields Oach x Hahn Pach
Hahn Pach x MSS
Hahn Pach x Dawsons Knuthianus
Riverlands SS Peru OP
Super Pedro x Helon
Christie’s Peru x Mike
PB Peru OP
Yeti x Zeds x Scop
Yeti x Psycho0
SS02 x Juul’s Giant) x Zeds Scop
SS02 x Juul’s Giant) x Pach Dan
Christie’s Peru x Goliath
Christie’s Peru x Helon
Christie’s Peru x MSS
Christie’s Peru x Rita
Christie’s Peru x (Juul’s Giant x Lumberjack)
Christie’s Peru x Truman
Christie’s Peru x Ben
Len x Dawson’s Pascana
RG1 Chub x Moses
Dawsons Chiloensis x MSS
Emerald City Bridgisii OP
Aaron x Noarhunga
Hillside Bridgisii x Sausage
Eileen OP
SS Bridgisii x Trojan Llama
Bruce OP
Lumberjack x Sharxx
Awful x Skip
Psycho0 x Tjuno
Psycho0 OP secret garden
Psycho0 x Sausage
Psycho0 x (Juul’s Giant x Scop)
Psycho0 x Dan
Psycho0 x Roy
Psycho0 Op
Psycho0 x Capel
Christie’s Peru x Dawsons Pascana
SASS x Rita
Dawsons Pascana x RG1 Tersch#2
Secret Garden Validus OP
ABG Tacquirensis x Dawsons Chiloensis
SASS2 x Dawsons Pascana
2 year old Seedling list
Pick any individual plants from the list that you would like for $15 each.
This is the Mr Prickles 2020 complete Seedling List
How to order
Add the Hybrid name/s to the order at the checkout or message me the names of the ones you would like.
If you would like multiples then just increase the quantity and list the multiple names or quantity of each.
Any questions don’t hesitate to ask.